The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves Army
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- #1
My Chinese army can't win any battles because their morale sinks faster than that of the French after the Eastern campaign.
What can I do to fix this?
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- #2
What can I do to fix this?
Invest in Land Tech.
What is their level, and what is your's? Anyway, you might be able to win if you direct the battles to provinces with plains, and use massive cavalry-armies. Hopefully the French armies will be annihilated during the first shock-phase.
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- #3
Invest in Land Tech.
What is their level, and what is your's? Anyway, you might be able to win if you direct the battles to provinces with plains, and use massive cavalry-armies. Hopefully the French armies will be annihilated during the first shock-phase.
He's not battling the French. It was a metaphor.
And yup, land tech investment. Use cavalry early and infantry late.
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- #4
Umm, yes. o With "the Eastern campaign" I thought the French had traveled all the way to China ingame.
Other things you can do is to adjust the domestic policies sliders (land, offensive, quality, free subjects) and proclaiming Defender of Faith.
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- #6
Thanks guys.
How far over should I put the slider for land tech? It's 1490 and I'm level 3. How can I get it to go up faster?
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- #8
Thanks guys.
How far over should I put the slider for land tech? It's 1490 and I'm level 3. How can I get it to go up faster?
Remember though that the Chinese technologies are far backwards in comparison to European, they will advance much more slowly due to being in a far worse tech group (oriental, is it called? Don't remember).
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- #10
Thanks a ton, guys. It's amazing how great this forum and community is for such an old (though excellent) game.
Another question--How can one succeed, or even survive, as a small European state like Prussia? I don't have enough income to support a military, so when Poland comes a'knockin, I'm forced to call on my allies for support who are lackluster at best.
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- #11
Thanks a ton, guys. It's amazing how great this forum and community is for such an old (though excellent) game.
Are you aware of this?
Another question--How can one succeed, or even survive, as a small European state like Prussia? I don't have enough income to support a military, so when Poland comes a'knockin, I'm forced to call on my allies for support who are lackluster at best.
As a small country, try to enter a strong alliance for your protection and have good relations with your allies.
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- #13
I find nothing worse than defensive doctrine though. I tried playing Venice with maximum defensive doctrine and kept getting slaughtered in India, despite being a CRT ahead. Even annexing the Aztecs was hard. It sucks for high-attrition continential or colonial warfare but, on the other hand, it is very effective for coastal warfare if you have naval supremacy.
I like to get down to defensive 3 in the 1600s or so for the cheap artillery. But yes, max defensive is generally bad unless you're good enough at avoiding combat (including naval combat).
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- #15
they will advance much more slowly due to being in a far worse tech group (oriental, is it called? Don't remember).
China is in the 'china' tech group, a tech group designed specifically to screw over China and stop it taking over the world.
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- #16
Sorry, what was I supposed to find with that link? Releasing the source code? How is that relevant to what you quoted? I don't mean to sound rude.
And Prussia starts in a fairly large alliance, most of North Germany including the Knights Templar. Prussia is a vassal of the Knights Temp, so I can't really enter any alliances and all of the nearby territories that are small enough to take are part of my alliance.
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- #17
Sorry, what was I supposed to find with that link? Releasing the source code? How is that relevant to what you quoted? I don't mean to sound rude.
It just means this old game has still a strong fanbase and, since Paradox released the source code of the game, some people are even working on a possible sequel with many improvement ideas from the community.
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- #19
Gotcha. Thanks.
Still DK how to win with Prussia tbh imo
Historically that is absolutely normal.
Brandenburg and/or Prussia are in the EU2 timespan at the start minor countries and Poland is a big neighbour. Both were at times vassals of Poland. If your allies suck then perhaps you should try to ally with Poland instead?
Brandenburg at those times usually was never able to afford it´s own rather large army and depended on subsidies from e.g. England to continue to field it´s army.
Only after Brandenburg inherited Prussia and was lucky that Poland was beaten by Sweden did Brandenburg-Prussia become the power that most people expect to see in the game.
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